Continuing Projects
Boswell Botany Trail:
Don Hinkel assists in the conservation of the educational self-guided trail at the Southern Vermont Arts Center that was founded by Petey Boswell and maintained for many years by the Club.
Civic Beautification:
The following projects are funded by the generosity of those who attend our special events throughout the year.
Dorset and Manchester Plantings:
Claudia Kinder and Nancy Rhodes in Dorset and Susan Hinkel in Manchester coordinate planting and maintaining baskets, boxes and planters in Manchester, Dorset and East Dorset during the summer months.
Manchester Town Green:
Susan and Don Hinkel schedule dates for cleanup and weeding and the maintenance of a pollinator garden at the Town Green.
Litter Pick-up:
Barbara Powers coordinates litter pick-up along River Road in Manchester twice a year.
Wreath Workshop:
Susan Hinkel and Carmen Bodge coordinate a workshop to decorate wreaths that are donated to local municipal buildings and churches during the holidays.
Flower Arrangements:
Jane Davis and Jean Morris for the Manchester Community Library arrange for members to provide floral arrangements weekly.
Garden Therapy at Equinox Terrace:
Carol duPont and Barbara Shimaitis assist residents in making small floral arrangements with live material at monthly workshops. They provide small arrangements for the residents unable to attend.
Memorial Books:
After consultation with area librarians, Cynthia McTaggart will present books related to gardening to those local libraries in memory of deceased members of the Club.
Plant Sale:
Carolyn Brogan, Anne MacLaurin and Becky Moore secure a venue, manage the publicity, schedule volunteers and provide guidance to members on methods of digging up and potting perennials, shrubs and grasses from their gardens.
Scholarship Program for Area High School Seniors:
Carolyn Brogan coordinates the application process with area high school guidance counselors; sets a deadline and appoints readers from the membership to review and rate applications; attends Awards Ceremonies at recipients' schools.