The Garden Club of Manchester was founded in 1920 with the simple mission to promote love for, interest in and knowledge of horticulture.
While the mission has stayed the same, the Club has grown in membership, from 10 to just under 100, and the work of the Club can be seen throughout the Manchester/Dorset and surrounding areas, from civic beautification to conservation to education. Please explore the site to learn more!
Member Dues for 2024/25 due before October 1, 2024.
To pay online or to mail in get info here
Mark your calendar for 2024!!
Plesese note change from Yearbook listing
Tuesday, September 3rd, at 9:00 a.m. Manchester Town Green Clean Up Coordinator: Sue Hinkel
Wednesday, September 18, at 12:00 p.m. Annual Meeting and Luncheon Lunch, awards, installation of Officers and a summary of the past year will take place at our annual meeting. Location: Manchester Country Club Coordinator: Christina Nichols and Carolyn Smith
Plesese note change from Yearbook listing
Tuesday, October 8th at 9:00 a.m. Manchester Town Green Clean Up Coordinator: Sue Hinkel